DS106-Midpoint Story

DS106-Midpoint Story

So far in this class I think I am doing pretty well, I have yet to miss an assignment and have turned in everything on time. When I do my daily creates I usually look at the examples of people that have already done the prompt to get an idea on what to do. I then look at the prompt and draft my response. One example I have is a recent daily create where we had to pick a piece of furniture that represented our personality, I looked at other completed daily creates to get an idea on what to do.

When it comes to doing the DS106 assignments I think they are pretty fun to do, They bring out my creativity and they are very fun to do with my friends. My approach to these DS106 assignments is usually looking at your example and then making my own that revolves around my humor. Im very comfortable doing these assignments because I think they are relatively easy and fun to do.

