Blog Post 5

Blog Post 5

Daily Dining Hall Delights

Monday February 28th:

Mondays lunch was interesting to say the least, it was very good though maybe a top lunch this week. It was meatballs,yellow rice, broccoli, and sweet potato fries. As one of my friend’s said “the meatballs were very good, you could tell they focused on the garnish and they had a very good flavor you could tell they were homemade.” If that quote doesn’t want to make you try those meatballs I don’t know what will.

This meal started off the week very high and it was delicious, I would rate this a 8.5/10 it would totally be a 9/10 if there were better things with the meatballs.

A picture of Monday’s Meal

Tuesday March 1st:

Once again it is TACO TUESDAY!!!!! One of my favorite meals of the week since tacos Tuesday has yet to disappoint. This week was Bira tacos, which in my opinion could have been better. They were very tasty but I think the consistency was a little off.

This meal was good and I think it deserves a pretty high rating but because of the consistency I will have to give it a 7/10.

Image of the Bird taco’s

Wednesday March 3rd:

This meal was an absolute disaster, everything was off for the dining hall and I didn’t even know what to say once I got there. There was a wide variety of different things and they were all very weird. There was Bosco sticks witch reminded me of a middle school cafeteria lunch and then they had a random pile of ground beef that was slightly seasoned. The 2 things that were only good was the pizza station since that always not too bad and then the zucchini which is very good.

I was very disappointed with this meal since it was so random and not that good, so I would rate this an all time low score of a 2/10.

A picture of the random assortment of food

This week started off with an unbelievable start, but sadly towards the end of the week the flame died off and the meals started to get worse and worse, hopefully Thursday and Fridays meals are a lot better.

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