Paper One Self-Reflection

Paper One Self-Reflection

1.Social media has negative impacts on in person connections and spreads hate throughout the world.

Overall I think my thesis statement was pretty strong, it gave a good overview of what I was going to say in my essay. One thing I would say I could improve on is maybe making my thesis a tiny bit longer, but I definitely think I did a pretty good job on thesis since I was able to connect many points that proved my thesis.

2. I was reminded that I am a pretty fast writer, although it may seem good sometimes I write a little too fast and blow by grammatical errors and just type sentences that down really make sense. I remembered that once I make my thesis I look for quotes before I start writing so I can get a picture of what my topics will be about and how I can lengthen my explanation about the quote and give more background information about the topic. In my writing process I also kinda go straight past the intro and work on the body paragraphs, I do make a intro but it definitely is not a strong introduction.

3. During all my revisions the number one thing I tried to do is beef up my introduction. I started with a very weak introduction and barely introduction the essays I was talking about. To fix this I added in a couple sentences for each essay just sort of giving a brief introduction and saying what they were talking about. This was definitely a huge factor in my essay because without that solid introductory paragraph the readers would be pretty confused once they start reading.

4. I would Approach paper 2 a bit differently, first I would definitely not blown past the introductory paragraph and I would definitely get that strong right when I first start to write my essay. Second I would try and find a couple better quotes to use for supporting my thesis, I definitely had some good quotes but I would like a few more to make my thesis strong. I need to remember to give good background Information about the quotes so I the readers will understand what I am talking about.

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