Serhan and McLaughlin Reading Response

Serhan and McLaughlin Reading Response

  1. Xenophobia is the dislike or prejudice against people from other countries. This term relates to the Covid 19 pandemic because of where it started in Wuhan China, people from there got a lot of hate and some people even started calling it the Wuhan Virus. Covid 189 started a lot of Xenophobia against China. Many other countries were also affected by it like the European countries that were affected by the travel ban because they thought that would stop the spread of the virus.
  2. Since people thought it was all Wuhan to blame for Covid 19 a chain restaurant did not allow anyone who speaks mandarin or non-locals eat there. Companies and restaurants gave out a lot of hate towards the Wuhan population, whether it was not letting them eat there or just saying you dont support the mandarin speaking population.
  3. This piece relates to cardigans because they both talk about the prejudices surrounding the minorities. Like in Cadogans piece he talks about all the racism he went through for just walking down the street as a black person. Even now after Covid is dying down a little many asian people are still getting discriminated for something they did not have control over. These articles show how easy it is for people of color to get discriminated for something they didn’t do.
  4. In some ways a travel ban could help slow down the spread of the virus but I think other solutions are better. Yes, a travel ban would help slow down a virus, but for half of the European countries that were in the travel ban that have yet to get Covid it seems useless to put a travel ban on them. It seems like the only reason we put a travel ban on them in the first place is because there is sort of a stereotype that some foreign countries are “dirty”. if we came at a better approach and instead of placing a travel ban we just slow down the rates art which people are leaving and arriving at the US or implementing some sort of quarantine then that could be a more peaceful way of makigncsiure our country and other countries are safe.

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